Common Hedge Plant of Myanmar 
 15 Nov 2018
If you go into a local nursery, asking the name of the plants you're looking for, but the answer you usually got is the plant named "after its characters". For example, Bougainvillea, named  "Zegu ban" (in Myanmarian means paper flower), this is a humorous experience.  Below is some commonly seeing hedge plants in local gardens:

Ixora Chinese (矮仙丹)

Murraya paniculata (七里香, 月橘)

Schefflera arboricola  (鵝掌藤)

Apart from the high latitude region of Myanmar, most of the country is tropical lowland plains. The hedge plant such as Bougainvillea,  Ehretia microphylla Lam.Duranta repens L. etc., these plants are thrived year round and sprouting fast, if water is satisfied as needed, about 2 weeks is a trimming cycle.

Thus, they are rapid shaping plants for the local gardeners. A deer, an elephant or other dimensional shaped are very common seeing (especially Ehretia microphylla Lam.) across the country. 

Ehretia microphylla Lam.(福建茶)

Bougainvillea (九重葛)

Thyrsostachys siamensis (Kurz ex Munro) Gamble(泰竹, 南洋竹)

Duranta erecta (金露花)

Ficus microcarpa (細葉榕, 原叶榕)

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